Street Faith



Biblical perspectives and practical strategies for experiencing God's Kingdom right where you are


  • LIFE IN THE PRESENCE BONUS 1: The Baptism of the Holy Spirit

    10/05/2020 Duración: 01h04min

    In our recent Prayer and Perspectives series, dealing with covid19 and the multiple challenges surrounding it, we’ve talked a lot about the need for truth and wisdom. We’ve discussed the fact that God doesn’t give us a spirit of fear but of Power and Love and a clear sound mind. We’ve talked about the need for an ongoing intimate relationship with Him…and the need to listen and hear. But the truth of the matter is, many people, including many Christians, do not sense the presence and power of God in their lives right now. And many have no clear sense of God’s direction for their lives in this moment. As we approach Pentecost (May 31 this year), it’s possibly more important than at any time in most of our lives to look and remember the pouring out of the Holy Spirit on the Pentecost immediately following Jesus’ resurrection. As promised, the Holy Spirit, the very Presence of God, came to empower and guide those first Jesus followers. And that same Holy Spirit is available now to fill and guide and empower

  • Marketplace Kingdom 5.12: The Way Things Really Are

    02/04/2020 Duración: 43min

    Has your identity changed with advent of the COVID 19 Crisis? Has your perspective changed? Who do you think you are? How do you see yourself “fitting in” today…in your family? Your circle of friends? Your job? Are you able to make a real difference in anyone’s life? Or are you just one more voice among many…trying to be heard…above all the headlines and opinions and other voices and influences…and distractions? How do you see your world here and now? The people around you? Do you really believe that you could be the most important person in somebody’s life today? Do you know that you’re dangerous…to the devil…and all the destructive things that He wants to do to your family and friends and the people around you? Do you really believe that? God does! And He wants to open your eyes to the way things really are! We recorded this audio podcast about four weeks ago. We’re releasing it now because the discussion is probably more relevant now than ever. For all of us. We need to understand the big picture. The ti

  • Marketplace Kingdom 5.11—It’s Time For Us All to Grow Up

    25/03/2020 Duración: 39min

    We need to pray. We need God’s wisdom. All of us. Now. Because even now, in the midst of the current local, national and global crisis, the same old conflicts have found a way of emerging in our public discourse. It may actually be worse now that most of our interactions are taking place online, behind a keyboard, with no face to face nuances. It’s just out there. Often unfiltered. Words on a screen. But it’s there. The same old hair-trigger disagreements, finger pointing and accusation and criticism and vitriolic partisan bickering. And people are bound to be more tense than ever before. Some very important questions arise, even more acutely now, for an authentic Jesus follower. What do I say now? What do I do now? What does God want from me? I pray. I go to church. I talk about Jesus whenever it’s not going cause a disagreement. Sometimes I talk about Jesus…even when I know that it will cause a conflict. And I vote. And I sign petitions. I’ve even attended a rally or two. But what am I supposed to do whe

  • Marketplace Kingdom 5.10--Unafraid!

    17/03/2020 Duración: 36min

    Unafraid! We recorded this podcast before the coronavirus became the dominant headline in the world, but the message is perhaps more important now than ever. The first century Christians had a word that they used to remind each other of the peace they had in Christ. Always. In the midst of all sorts of trials and persecutions, they would greet one another with “Atraxia”. Roughly translated, it means “unruffled.” The apostle Paul begins his second letter to his young friend Timothy with two very specific pieces of advice. “Stir up the gift of God which is in you…” and remember that “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1: 6-7) Right now, it seems that everybody wants to believe that what they believe is true…is true! And more and more…they don’t appreciate any challenges on it. If you believe what the media tells us, then danger, conflict and hateful division are everywhere. At least that’s the story that keeps people stirred up and makes for go

  • What Do We Really Believe About Sin and Why Does It Matter?

    10/03/2020 Duración: 45min

    Do we really believe that the Kingdom of God is breaking in…here and now? Then what are we doing about it? If we want to make an actual difference in our world and the lives of the people around us, we need to get serious! About having real conversations with real people outside of our own boxes and echo-chambers. Conversations…not fights…with people who may not agree with us. People who need to hear the truth. True Truth. God’s Truth. About the way things really are. And why. And what can be done. And how. And that may mean that sometimes we need to correct some misconceptions about who we are…and what we believe…about Jesus…and God…and people…and evil…and sin. And about what the bible really says. And why it’s relevant now! Maybe more than ever before! If we take the time to get the basics right, then a lot of the rest might just start to make sense. We want to help you to have those kinds of conversations. This week’s episode looks at one of those hardcore basic questions. “What Do We Really Believe A

  • Marketplace Kingdom 5.8—Explicit Truth for Today

    02/03/2020 Duración: 44min

    Since our last podcast, we’ve been to Kenya and we’ve been incredibly encouraged to see how God’s Kingdom is breaking out there…in the streets and in marketplace situations. We’ve been talking with brothers and sisters around the world who are laying their lives down for Jesus in tangible ways, in nations and local communities where being a Christian is dangerous business. We’ve been writing and developing new material to help you pursue the Kingdom in your spheres of influence. Your family. Your friends. Your neighbors. Your colleagues at work. And, we’re working on practical strategies…and talking points…to help you begin to have some of the conversations you’ve told us you want to have with the people around you. The people who desperately need to hear and be touched by God’s Truth and Power in their real world, day to day lives. With all this in mind, we're releasing our very first podcast episode for 2020. “Explicit Truth for Today.” It’s the first in our brand new series of “talking points” and perspec

  • Marketplace Kingdom 5.7--This Is What the Kingdom Looks Like

    22/11/2019 Duración: 40min

    Stories have power. They take ideas, or truths, and dress them out in real life flesh and circumstance. Jesus spent a lot of his time telling stories. Parables. Chances are that many if not all of them were based on actual events that he seen or heard about, with names eliminated. But he always used them to make a point. To drive home a deeper meaning about the nature of life and the Kingdom of God. The four gospels and the book of Acts provide a powerful account of Jesus’ own life and ministry, and those of some of his disciples. But the accounts in the bible are also more than just stories. They are the Word, and they carry power and truth in them as well…for today. And now, as the Spirit of God moves through the homes and offices and factories and worksites and streets of our world, the story continues. His story. And ours. The story we can point to when we tell people of the need to repent, stop, change direction and be changed because this is happening. Now. The Kingdom of God is at hand. In today

  • Marketplace Kingdom 5.6--Not Ashamed!

    16/11/2019 Duración: 41min

    We’re not ashamed of the gospel. We’re not ashamed to be crazy in love with Jesus and running hard in pursuit of His Kingdom. And we’re not ashamed to tell people about it. And about what we do. And why. We’re not about building churches or organizations. We’re about building and equipping THE church… and a movement! A people, created and called to walk in truth and the power of God’s Spirit day by day and moment by moment. Seeing what the Father is doing, and then doing it. Today. Hearing what the Father is saying, and saying it. Today. Carrying the redeeming and transforming power of His Presence all the time…everywhere they go. Go into all the world. Proclaim the the gospel’s truth and power to everyone and everything in creation! Change and become new because the Kingdom is breaking in. It isn’t a concept. Or religion. Or a cause. It’s the Kingdom of God. And it’s a FIRE. And it’s spreading…around the world. Right where you are! Today! That’s what our latest episode is about. Get it now. Join us!

  • Marketplace Kingdom 5.5—This Is NOT Your Parents’ Mission Trip

    08/11/2019 Duración: 36min

    In less than three weeks! Back in Kenya. Why? The Presence of God. The Power of God. Exploding in the people of God. TODAY! Breaking out in the streets in a church without walls. In practical action that points to FACTS. Jesus is alive…He brings new life…and transformation…His Kingdom is here…and this is what it looks like. This is not your parents’ mission…This is not your parents’ mission trip.

  • Marketplace Kingdom 5.4--Taking It to the Streets Part Three

    30/10/2019 Duración: 36min

    This week we’re finishing up our conversation with Tim Vink. We hope that you’ve been following along as we’ve talked about the explosive power of God’s Kingdom breaking into and transforming lives, regions and nations around the world. The power released when contagious bearers of the presence of God move out in Jesus name, filled with the Holy Spirit, and engage! We are so excited to bring these conversations to you. Conversations about doing and being “church” in the way that Jesus intended. The way that He paid for, and the way that He empowers! Join us for the conversation and join us in the movement for a church without walls and Taking It to the Streets!

  • Marketplace Kingdom 5.3--Taking It to the Streets: Part Two

    26/10/2019 Duración: 35min

    As promised, our friend Tim Vink is back, and he’s sharing more about Jesus’ approach to building a movement for the Kingdom in the streets and a church without walls! Join us.

  • Marketplace Kingdom 5.2--TURN ON YOUR GPS...PLEASE!

    22/10/2019 Duración: 32min

    In today’s podcast episode, we’re sharing the vision for where this movement is going. And we’re asking you to join us. Partner with us. Get involved and help us. We try to show you real world strategies and examples for taking the Kingdom of God to the streets! Here and now examples of the Holy Spirit moving in power, impacting and transforming lives, families, communities, cities and nations! You’ve caught the vision. Church without walls! Kingdom in the Streets. Now it’s time to take it to the next level! We need your help to take this message viral. On the internet. On the radio. Coaching. Writing. Teaching. Seminars. In places where people need it most. Right where you are. On every continent of the world! But we can’t do it alone. We need you. We need to be on your radar! Your spiritual GPS! So listen to this episode! Listen to the vision. Don’t wait. Please. Then fire up your GPS. Give, Pray, and Serve. It’s time!

  • Marketplace Kingdom 5.1--Taking It to the Streets: Part One

    02/10/2019 Duración: 52min

    The Jesus we follow is alive and active in the world right now. And He’s pouring out His Spirit today bringing good news…the Kingdom of God is at hand…breaking into our world and our reality…touching hearts and minds and transforming lives and regions. The greatest Kingdom harvest in human history is taking place now. Global estimates indicate that there are over 3000 new believers coming to Christ every 20 minutes. One movement alone has seen over 1.6 million new churches planted in the last ten years. That’s three every ten minutes! People are hungry for the gospel and they’re hungry for the results of the Kingdom breaking in! It’s happening all over the world… in small hidden pockets in closed countries…in marketplace encounters…in homes and villages… one on one and life on life! It’s happening because some people are profoundly convinced that the lost really are lost and need to hear. It’s happening because they are passionate about Jesus and His Kingdom…and they’re taking it to the streets! Righ

  • Marketplace Kingdom 4.23--RADICAL: Celebrating 75 Episodes!

    27/09/2019 Duración: 37min

    Listen in as we celebrate our seventy-fifth podcast! Our Diamond episode! And it is a gem! We look back at key themes that have emerged over the past four seasons and we look forward to what's coming next, as God calls us to become even MORE RADICAL about our faith and advancing His Kingdom. Right where WE are...and right where YOU are!

  • Marketplace Kingdom 4.22--Faith and Life on Campus (Part Two)

    27/09/2019 Duración: 45min

    In this episode we continue our conversation with college student Jack Baumert, exploring the challenges of being authentically Christian and navigating Faith and Life on Campus at a secular university.

  • Marketplace Kingdom 4.21--Faith and Life on Campus (Part One)

    27/09/2019 Duración: 35min

    How does a Christian college student navigate Faith and Life at a secular university? What are the blessings? What are the opportunities? The challenges? What could we be doing better to prepare our kids before sending them off to university? Student Jack Baumert joins us for this fascinating two part conversationabout Faith and Life on Campus!

  • Marketplace Kingdom 4.20--He Cried

    26/09/2019 Duración: 37min

    There are times when we look at the brokenness in the world around us, far away and close to home, and we can't help but weep. Often over the sheer weight of the pain we see in others' lives, and sometimes even more acutely as we share in that pain while sharing life with them. In the here and now, this is an unavoidable part of what it means to know God's heart. Jesus' heart. Jesus walked this earth. He entered entered in and shared life with his friends and others. "He was despised and forsaken of men, a man of sorrows and aquainted with grief..." He cared. He poured himself out. For us! And yes...He cried!

  • Marketplace Kingdom 4.19--Increase the Increase

    26/09/2019 Duración: 30min

    Sometimes we pray timid prayers. And when we do we end up living timid lives! But God wants more for us. He expects us to come boldly to His throne and receive His mercy. Then He expects us to do what the Lord Jesus told us to do. Go out...Do the same works that He did...and greater works! What would happen if we were to boldly as the Lord, in His mercy, to expand our vision? Raise our expectations? Increase our influence? And then...Increase the Increase?

  • Marketplace Kingdom 4.18--Special: Thoughts and Prayers...and More!

    09/08/2019 Duración: 48min

    The tragic events of last weekend’s shootings have occupied the headlines and weighed on our hearts as a nation. We as believers need to step into the gap in prayer and in conversation with those around us. We need to listen honestly and speak compassionately…and be a source of wisdom and hope at such a time as this! For this reason, we’ve prepared a special edition of the Marketplace Kingdom podcast to serve as a starting point for framing a discerning conversation with your friends and loved ones who may be trying to make sense of the “why” and “what can we do” questions. Please listen. And engage! And continue to offer “Thoughts and Prayers…and More!”

  • Marketplace Kingdom 4.17--The Name of Jesus

    01/07/2019 Duración: 45min

    More and more, it seems like we seldom hear the name of Jesus spoken in public or in the media unless it’s a subject of ridicule or used as an expletive or a profanity. We’re all familiar with the commandment, “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain”, and yet everywhere it is used loosely, disrespectfully and even blasphemously! But perhaps worse is the fashion in which many who consider themselves to be Christians lay claim to it glibly on Sunday but hide it the rest of the week. Or lay claim to the name while considering it one among many valid religious options. One of many paths to heaven. Nothing exclusive or offensive. Such approaches take the Name in vain as well, “having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof.” We talked a few weeks ago about the increasing levels of persecution that authentic Christians have been experiencing in the Middle East, Africa and Asia. And many of us have encountered situations where speaking out as a Christian in private conversation or in

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